There are a few sliders in various Prefs tabs. There’s numbers designating certain whole numbers, but nothing showing in between.
Example: “Ignore artwork smaller than this size:”.
I’d like to set it to something like 75, but there’s no tooltip or anything that shows values in between. I’d also like to resize artwork larger than 450, but it’s kinda hard to pinpoint.
Similarly, what happens if I don’t have the slider exactly on values that need to be whole numbers? Like “max CPUs on Amplifind ID”; what value is it using if the slider is a little higher or lower than 2? I assume it’s rounding to the nearest whole number.
Anyways, my suggestions: a field or tooltip that shows exactly where the slider is on broad ranges, and snaps or detents on sliders that require whole numbers (CPUs, max # of artworks).
Your thoughts?