SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SEVERE: There was a problem submitting a query to Discogs

Tonight I keep getting these errors showing up in the logs when trying to autocorrect metadata from discogs.

SEVERE: There was a problem submitting a query to Discogs for song SONG_NAME with filename : Index: 0, Size: 0

This is happening both when trying to just run the task on a single album, or running the auto correct on a batch of files. Not sure if this is just a temporary glitch, or possibly a new bug introduced by discogs. Any ideas why this is happening?

Okay for me, if you are you still getting this please send me your support files

Did a reboot and a cache clear and still getting the same errors. I have sent you over the requested support files.

Thank you.

Heh, you just caught me in time. I was just about to release Jaikoz 3.5.0 but I will fix this first. It is a problem related to Discogs and the Country(Code) changes in MusicBrainz and occurs when you have no preferred country set.

Good deal!

Yeah, i disabled most of the match preferences to try to give more weight to the matching of the total tracks on the disc. It seems to help out for the most part. However I still get the occasional album match where it picks an album that has more tracks, instead of the match that has the exact same amount of tracks. Ideally it would be nice to have an option that allows one to put more weight on matching to discs with the same amount of tracks as the folder has, when the group by folder option is enabled.

Yeah,Im still mulling that over