Hello, I am sorry if this has been asked before but I could not find an answer in the forum. Which setting should I use if I want to delete the same exact song regardless of release date or album, ect. Not a live version to studio version but exactly the same song. I would suppose Acoustic ID would be right, but doesn’t MusicBrainz ID take release into account, too? Where can I find a description of the various settings (puid, acoustic, ect.). Bye the way, good job, Paul!
Settings when Deleting Duplicates
Hi, the settings are in Preferences:Local Correct:Delete Duplicates:Song is a duplicate If.. Unfortunately the help pages dont seem to explain the options in any detail.
So yes using It has the same Acoustid as another Song is a good choice as that will match two songs that Acoustid considers to be the same, i.e they sound very very similar and the only difference should be due to encoding differences such as Mp3 versus Flac. This matching is done purely based on Acoustids, and Musicbrainz is not really considered.
Puids is the older system that was used before Acoustids, it works in the same way but we cannot generate puids within Jaikoz anymore and puid support will be completely removed in the next release of Jaikoz so I would ignore puids.
Now you could also use It has the same Mb Id as another Song. This matches two songs that have the same MB recording id, i.e they are the same song in Musicbrainz but may still be on different albums because they can have different MB Release Ids. But there is not the guarantee they are acoustically the same because there is no guarantee they have been checked acoustically.
In a perfect world one Acoustid would always match to just one MB Recording Id. But we do not live in a perfect world and sometimes one acoustid may be linked to multiple recording ids, and one recording id may be linked to multiple acoustids.
For that reason both options are useful, and you can also do a more stringent matching encompassing both restrictions
It has the same Mb Id and Acoustid as another song
Hope this clarifies things for you.
Thanks for the info. BTW I just installed ver. 5 works OK but it starts on Windows 7 32 start-up and I can’t find a setting to stop this. Please advise.
Sorry, I dont understand what you mean ?
jaikoz automatically starts on windows reboot
Oh, have you dragged it to the taskbar or something ?
no i havent
thanks, i looked in the startup folder and there i found the jaikoz uninstall file…dont know how it got there but i deleted it and now its ok. bye