SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Search apple id?

Our family has multiple Apple IDs. Can Jaikoz find the apple ID in the file metadata and show it so that we can then put a comment in the tags as to who purchased the tracks? I’m not readily finding such a feature.



No, Jaikoz cannot do this. This only applys to mp4s BTW you could do something yourself using

Okay. I know there are “strippers” that will take that info out. I’m not as interested in removing it as I am in just being able to annotate who did what!



Im not recomending you use that tool to strip it out, Im advising you could use it to find out who owns what, i.e write some sort of script

for each file
     username=atomicparsely|grep username
          log user1
     else  if(username=user1)
          log user2

Yes, I understood the differences. And I’ll probably create a script to do so!

