Hi, you can use the file_path variables to get the files path (or split into basefolder/subfolder or filename) but processing is limited to the that song/file you cannot get folder metadata information such as How many files in the same folder or information about other files that are in same folder such as Are all files from the folder linked to the same album and it would be difficult to extend to do this.
What do plan to do is improve the reports with https://jthink.atlassian.net/browse/SONGKONG-2402 and https://jthink.atlassian.net/browse/SONGKONG-2532
Taking your concrete example I want to move and rename all files that are “orphans” in their folders to another folder this would make it easier to identify such files, actually in a report if you use Browse by Folder and then filter by Matched to Album Filter: Without Full Album Match this may give you these orphaned files
I think even if the functionality you request was there it would still be difficult to write a safe script, i.e how would you work out what folder to move the files to. But another alternative you could employ is to interrogate the spreadsheet view because this would give you access to all files processed and then you could write a macro that looks at all files in the same foilder and moves files as required.