SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum


I am not really sure if i understand the scoring. When i try to get automatic MB ID it doesn�t work, but when i try it manully i get a score over 70. Why it isn�t recognized automatic? It has a MusicIP ID. Here a example and my settings:

Would you be so kind to look at it? Otherwise i have to tag over 4.000 files manually!

Another questions is why i can�t increase the matching scores in some cases. For example the score for “official release”. I f i try to increase, it jumps back to the default value!

There is a maximum score of 100, so you need to decrease the value of one of the other fields first.

Im not sure what your main problem is you seem to have understood how it works, I’ll take a deeper look on Monday.

You have ‘Do not match if Unable to find an Acoustic Id Match’ enabled in the AutoMatch tab. Although Acoustic Id were actually created for these files, there was no match found from the Acoustic Id record to any Musicbrainz record so Jaikoz didnt go any further.

Oh, haven�t een that the sore 100 is a summary for all fie�ds. Thanks.

The main problem is why there is a score above 70 when i check songs manually and there is no MB ID delivered when checking the same song automatic.

If you look at the screenshots above there are three scores above 70, but no ID delivered with the automatic way.
This also happens if i uncheck the option “Acoustic ID must have a minimum score”.

There is always the best automatic score delivered, when it’s a official release and i also checked the option “oldest release”, or?

Hi did you read my previous reply:

You have ‘Do not match if Unable to find an Acoustic Id Match’ enabled in the AutoMatch tab. Although Acoustic Id were actually created for these files, there was no match found from the Acoustic Id record to any Musicbrainz record so Jaikoz didnt go any further.

Yes, i have read it and in my reply a few minutes ago i said it happens also, when i uncheck this.

No you didnt you said you unchecked

"Acoustic ID must have a minimum score

I said you have to uncheck

“Do not match if Unable to find an Acoustic Id Match”

Ooops, sorry was reading this too fast. Just tested it and now the song is getting the ID. But why does this happen when the song already had a acoustic ID?

The Musicbrainz and MusicIP databases are seperate, getting an Acoustic Id means that a record has been found in the MuscIP database. But to update the metadata there has to also be a record in the Musicbrainz database linked to the acoustic id, which there may not be.

Checking the option says to jaikoz this user doesnt want to match by metadata alone they want to esnure that the files also match acoustically, Even though an acoustic id was found because there was no records in the Musicbrainz database that linked to it, it was not possible fot this to be done and hence no record was selected.

Oh, thanks. I thought if there is a MB ID, it is always linked to a Music IP ID.

No actually if you look at the server stats on the lhs of
you can see there are currently 6,443,257 tracks (i.e Music Brainz Ids)
and there are 2,935,690 Acoustic Id lining to an MB id.

I think MusicIP has about 10m puids but as you can see currently only
approximately 3m are linked to MusicBrainz Unique Ids.

Sorry, to get back again into this topic. After using every advice from you i am still not able to get lot�s of Studio albums.
I have tested now to set different scoring values, but nothing helps.

The Studio albums are at MusicBrainz and if i use “Magic MP3 Tagger”, i get the correct album in the listing ( manual check ). So, is there a way to get this result also in Jaikoz?

This happens with well known artist like Bon Jovi or B.B. King, etc.

Are they listed when you do Manual Correct from Musicbrainz ?

No, with every different setting of the scores, i can�t get them on they list. I don�t like to copy every time the ID into the field to make a update.

Have you adjusted the track duration to be upto 9 seconds either side. Because if the duration of you track does not match the duration of the track within the range specifield by your settings (default 5 seconds either side) the track will not be matched regardless of any other values.

Please check the duration of a problem track togther with its length on Musicbrainz to confirm if this is the problem.

Yep, that solves the problem. Is there a way to see the release typ in the preview, when checking manually?

No, release type is not one of the columns displayed in the manual Correct at the moment. But there is an outstanding request to allow you to configure which columns should be displayed on Manual Correct.

Good, this would be very helpful. At the moment i can�t get it working, that the official and latest studio album has the highest score.