Yes, either by editing the BaseFolder and SubFolder options so that the files are saved to that new location. or by selecting files in the row header and from the pop menu selecting the ‘Save and Move…’ option, from here you can select the folder to move them to.
I don’t understand this Specify the number of folders above stuff. Is it how many folders above as if they are stacked? Is it above like the folder I’m reading is a Subfolder and I want to move them higher in the directory structure? I have two directories, one for tagging and another for tags have been completed. Why can’t we just select the “Read Folder” and the destination folder? I used save and move and it only created the file, not the artist, album, file Subfolders like I hoped.
Can you give an example of what would be entered in this box if I had a folders similar to what the OP gave? Is it a 0, 1 or 5? My folders are the same level under the root drive.
Why can’t the program just write the files in the destination folder with Subfolders automatically created. Can Jaikoz do this?
How would I create Subfolders, then move the files into those folders automatically? When working with thousands of files what are the steps.
I have read the manual and the forum and I’m still confused.
Jaikoz used to let you specify a default read folder and a default write folder. Once the user had loaded the files and made a change the files would automatically be written to the write folder. However this confused some users who thought there files had been deleted so it was dropped.
The ‘Number of Folders’ stuff is ONLY relevant when using the Rename Sub Folders from tags option. It defines the which part of the folder path is put into the Base Folder column, and which part is put into the SubFolder column. Only the sub folder column is updated by the ‘Rename SubFolders from tags’ option, so unless you use this it is irrelevant.
Never thought of that, well I could get it to create the subfolder path from
the selected folder as an option. (Save and Move is a fairly recent option that i dont normally use)
In the meantime I think what you want to do is set the base folder to the root of your completed directory, and then copy and paste this value to the other rows, then Save them
Well say you had the following structure:
and you selected the blur folder
… Folder… Level… … BaseFolder… SubFolder
C:\music\rockpop\blur … 0… C:\music\rockpop\blur …leisure
C:\music\rockpop\blur … 1… C:\music\rockpop\ …blur\leisure
C:\music\rockpop\blur … 2… C:\music\… rockpop\blur\leisure
So level should be 1 if you want to maintain the rockpop bit or 2 if you didnt
if you selected C:\music\ then you would want the level to be zero
The trouble is there is no way for Jaikoz to know which folders are part of the music metadata (such as blur) and which are not (such as Music) so for you to get the perfect split you have to tell it, but it doesnt really matter too much , and if you get it wrong you can use the ‘Shift base to Sub Folder’ and ‘Shift SubFolder to Base Folder’ functions
Thanks for the quick response. I think I understand what the program is doing.
I’m wondering how to get my mp3’s in the proper directory like you illustrated. On a mass scale will the program create the directory structure and save the file? Whats needed is for Jaikoz to create:
D:\Music\Paul Taylor\Jaikoz Greatest Hits\Paul Taylor-08-Jailoz.mp3
D:\Music\James Kemp\Wanting Thousand of MP3 Sorted Neatly\James Kemp-10-Most Exited New User.mp3
When I press “Save and Move” all this should happen automatically.
Yes I understand your request, but do you understand you can also effect a move my just editing the values in Base Folder and SubFolder. For example if your files are loaded from C:\Music and you want to save to D:\Music just modify the basefolder value
does anybody know if, in the future, there will be the option to specify a base “write” folder. i think if people are using this tool to organize mass amounts of disorganized mp3’s like i am that this would be an extremely helpful setting to only have to set once.
As I said earlier there used to be one, but it caused confusion. Please explain how you want it to work and I will look into reintroducing a save folder. For example does it just provide a default starting folder for when you use the ‘Save and move’ option , or does it effect the values of the Base Folder column in the Edit tab when you first load the files ?