SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Save and Move -> rename filename already exists

I am doing a “Save and Move”

Some of my songs are duplicates, so I get a box with a bunch
of files with the error saying the new file name already exists…
Jaikoz keeps these error files in the original directory.

How can I get the files with this type of message deleted?
(only first 30 error messages are shown)

All error messages are shown in the console tab in the Details Panel. Everything in the console tab is written to the jaikozuser0-0.log file that on OSX can be found in Home:Library:preferences:Jaikoz

Related to this, when there are two files with the same name but different bitrates, I would like Jaikoz to automatically discard the file with the lower bitrate. Is this possible?

yes, but its a different task. Use Action/Delete Duplicates and this will find duplicates based on their Musicbrainz Id and mark the lowest quality Song to be deleted, when you save changes it will be deleted.

In my case this doesn’t help. I’ve set things up so that all new audio files go into a folder called ‘incoming’, which I then process with Jaikoz, and then save and move into my main ‘library’ folder. So Jaikoz doesn’t know that there are duplicates until the save and move stage, where it produces the error message. It would be much more useful for me if Jaikoz would discard the lower bitrate duplicate at this stage, rather than me having to reprocess my library to find the duplicates. If this can’t be done currently, may I request that it be added as a feature in future, as I suspect it would also be useful for other users. Thanks!

OK, two differences here,

  1. You want file to be marked as duplicate if it has the same name rather than checking its MB UniqueId/MusicIP Id. So I wouldnt really call this duplicate checking

  2. You want the lowest bitrate files with the same name to be deleted automatically on Save. This is dangerous because it doesnt give you any chance to veto the change.

What I will do instead (which I think has previously been requested) is for duplicate files to be renamed i.e test.mp3 / test(1).mp3 /or moved to another location. Then if you still want to delete duplicates use the fileystem or load again into Jaikoz and check duplicates properly.

I like the sound of the duplicates being moved to a separate folder. I second this wishlist item :slight_smile:

Ive added support for autorenaming the files (but not moving to seperate folder) on the dev build.