SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Save and Move issue

So, after tagging, I am using the tags to set the Sub Folder and Filename (the new beefier functionality as great) and moving them to a completed folder. It has worked great until 2.5.2.

Now a good number of the files (say 20%) are not getting their Sub Folder set when moving. So they are all dumped to the base folder I am moving them to. When I watch Jaikoz during the save and move operation the Sub Folder field blanks out for these as well before they are removed from the table.
I can’t discern any rhyme or reason as to why a particular file will fail or not, but it is usually an entire album, not just individual tracks in an album.

The save function works fine, it is only happening with the “save and move” function.


Sorry , I seem to have missed this post. In the first instance please send me your logs and we wil take it from there, I havent seen this issue myself