SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Save and move empty subfolder


I tried to save and move some files into another folder via File > Save and Move. But When i clicked on button, then subfolder fields were emptied and all files was moved to root of selected folder =(

When the folder dialog was displayed was the Create SubFolders hierachy at the bottom selected ?

Yes, destination folder is selected, then is setted to base folder, but subfolder information is lost(erased) and everything is moved to base folder

1,i Load any data to edit by drag and drop from totalcommander
2, i CTRL+8+9ed to correct folders and filenames
3, file > save and move
4, select your destination folder for example C:\mp3
5, Base folder is set to C:\Mp3
6, subfolders are erased
7 everything is moved to C:\Mp3 without folder structure

Check @ for supp files

Your run through doesn’t mention it, so let me check again is the ‘Create SubFolders hierachy’ checkbox ticked when you open the Save and Move file Dialog.

Youre right Paul, this little checkbox wasnt checked… Thanks for open eyes !

EDIT: but this choice isnt remembered for another use. Still is unchecked when checked.

This problems is fixed in Jaikoz 3.3.0