Using “Retrieve Acousticids” doesn’t get “Acoustic ID” for every recording. Only “Acousticid Fingerprint” is available for all recordings. Why?
Using “Retrieve Acousticids” a day later same result
Retrieve Acousticids gets only Acousticid Fingerprint
Not sure, we need to find out if the songs actually have been given acoustids by Acoustid.
If song has Musicbrainz Id, could do the following:
View/VIew this Track at MusicBrainz
In browser click on Fingerprints tab
Are any acoustids listed ?
Send me link
The songs, which don’t get an acoustic ID are not registered in MusicBrainz.
Is this an issue of Luk�? Lalinsk�? He wrote:
However, people often wanted to get back AcoustIDs for fingerprints they just submitted. It took about a minute to import the fingerprints, so the only solution was to wait a few minutes and then look up the submitted fingerprint to see if it’s already imported.
This weekend I’ve done some changes in how the importing process works and one of the results is that fingerprints are imported within seconds, not minutes, after they are submitted. During normal operation, this means that submitted fingerprints will get imported practically immediately.
I’m waiting days and don’t get the AcousticId for the songs.
3401 songs already have an Acousticid fingerprint
Retrieved 16 Acousticid Ids successfully
Completed retrieval of Acousticid fingerprints and Ids for 3401 songs
Question: what happened with the other 3385 Acousticid IDs?
[quote=paultaylor]Not sure, we need to find out if the songs actually have been given acoustids by Acoustid.
If song has Musicbrainz Id, could do the following:
View/VIew this Track at MusicBrainz
In browser click on Fingerprints tab
Are any acoustids listed ?
Send me link
Send you two examples.
Hi, I think I know what has happened here.
Both songs have a fingerprint, and both songs have been matched to a song on Musicbrainz, and that song is linked to acoustids via an Acoustid
However that Acoustid is for a different fingerprint.
So you song was matched to Musicbrainz but by metadata not by the acoust fingerprint.
So that is why the songs have a fingerprint (which is calculated locally) but not an acoustid, this fingerprint
Now to submit new fingerprints to Acoustid, you need to use Submit Musicbrainz/Acoust Id Pair, and you can only do when you have matched to Musicbranz because a fingerprint without a match to Musicbrainz is not that useful. So if you run Submit Musicbrainz/Acoust Id Pair, and then try Retreive Acoustid it would work. Note the Acoustid API does allow you to submit new fingerprints which have not been matched to MusicBrainz, but the developer of Acoustid wants to discourage this which is why it is not possible to do from Jaikoz, but there are many fingerprint and Acoustids within the Acoustid database that are not matched to MusicBrainz which is why Retrieve Acoustids may return an Acoustid for the fingerprint even if it doesn’t currently link to any MusicBrainz recording.
I have now submitted the pairing for you so if you run Retrieve Acoustid it will now return the ids.
Hope this makes sense
So now I’ve submitted it you can see that the recording is associated with two different acoustids,
one is the one that was originally there, the other is the one associated with your song.