SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Retrieve Acoustic IDs running much slower with latest version 3.8.0

Since updating to the latest version 3.8.0 it is taking 3 to 5 times longer to Retrieve Acoustic IDs. I have always used the default settings for each release. Has anything channged in the default settings with this release that is slowing down the search? I have Win7 64 bit.

Thanks in advance.


Hi, yes previously by default one copy of genpuid would be run for each cpu your machine had (Genpuid is the 3rd part program I use to get the acoustic ids provicded by AmpliFIND) , but occasionally this caused a crash.

So I now err on the side on caution and only run one copy by default, but you can increase upto your machines cpu in Preferences/MuiscBrainz/AmpliFIND/Maximum Cpus to Retrieve when retriieving Acoustic Ids

Im wondering if I should set to max by default because most users haven’t encountered the crashing issue, and in fact its only been reported on OSX.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply. I’ll give it a go to see if it helps but I only had a single core cpu up until the start of the year and that was also much faster.



Are you actually running the ‘Retrieve Acoustic Ids Task’, because by default this isnt run in the Autocorrecter now acoustic ids are just retrieved as part of the Correct from Musicbrainz task when a good metadata match could not be found.