I can’t seem to understand how/why my Jaikoz installment is resizing the artwork that I drag-n-drop into my albums.
The only thing in the Preferences I can find that seems to relate is under Local Correct->Artwork Correct but I must not understand what those options do. I have “Resize artwork if dimensions larger that (in pixels)” set to 1500 and “Ignore artwork smaller than (in pixels)” set to 130. i had assumed that the number you set is the maximum and minimum was the maximum/minium linear length of the artwork allowed (in pixels obviously) but it appears that EVERY image I drop into a song, regardless of size, its resized to 225px x 225px.
Could anyone please explain this behavior? Specifically what the numbers actually represent and how I can keep them their original size as long as they are less than 1000px x 1000px (for example)?