Is it possible for you to add support, of reading musicbrainz artist Disambiguation fields. For example,
If you go to this link for the rock group “The Guess Who”
You will see that the artist disambiguation field is set to Canadian rock band.
The reason that i want you to add support for reading this artist disambiguation field is because their are a number of different guess who artists for “guess who”.
See here:
Adding support for the artist disambiguation field would allow me to have file name mask rules like
ifnotempty2(albumartist,artist,’ /’)
ifnotempty(albumartist,’ - ')
ifnotempty(mbalbumartistdisambiguation ,"-") < new field name you define in songkong >
ifnotempty(mbreleasetype,’ - ')
ifnotempty(albumyear,’ - ')
ifnotempty(album,’ /’)
ifnotempty(pad(trackno,2),’ - ')
Is it possible for you to add support in your mask field variables for Music Brainz Artist ID disambiguation fields. This new field could then be used in filename mask rename rules.
Robert Smith