SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Request: Option to set only main artist when creating folder

To reduce the sheer number of folder songkong creates when selecting the move option.

Fix songs has the following options:

  • When tracks contains featured artists: Only use main artist in the artist field and discard other artists
  • When albums contains featured album artists: Only use main artist in the album artist field and discard other artists

Would like Rename Files to have the option to only create main artist folders to prevent something like this:

Only want 1 Chris Brown folder and not all those with feat artists that are listed

Since you are using a rename mask based only the (track) artist rather than album artist the easiest way to achieve this if you make use of option Only use main artist in the artist field and discard other artists and set it to Only use Main artist then the artist metadata field will only contain main artist and rerun Fix Songs then a filename mask based on the artist will also only contain main artist.

But if you want to keep multiple artists in the artist field but only use the first artist as part of the rename mask you can do this by editing the filename mask so that it takes the first value from the artists field

+ title

Because the artists field contain multiple artists as an array


First screenshot is orginal mask, note in Example 2 there are two artists making up the filename Murray Perahia and English Chamber Orchestra

If we modify the mask to use only the first value from artists field, Example 2 only shows Murray Perahuia

I don’t see an option is ‘Only use Main artist’?

I used your second method by editing the filename mask and that worked great. Removed over 1.5k excess folders

I mean use either of the options starting Only use main artist depending on exactly you want to do.

Ok, good.