SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Reports taking extremely long time to generate

I just installed the latest version of jaikoz. I was using one that was 4 versions older previously. 5.6 or so I think. I decided to try it with using the musicbrainz server instead of my local server as I did not have it up and running. I noticed in this new one that the reports are taking a very long time to generate.

For example, if I load just 75 albums, all are compilation albums, and 24 of them have release mbids. I run the report to see if I am missing any tracks. The “Creating List of Missing Songs…” window comes up and the progress bar goes to the end fairly quickly, in under 30 seconds, as it counts through the albums processed so far. However then it just stops at that window once the progress bar hits the end.

The console window however shows that jaikoz is still busy at work what appears to be doing musicbrainz api look ups once every 1 second for each artist tied to a song. Being that these are various artists compilations with 100 songs / 100 artists per album, this is taking an extremely long time. No errors are being thrown. Just a Decoded api url message with time stamp every one second for artist including aliases tags.

I don’t recall seeing this in the previous versions. Is this something new?

Hmm, nothing has changed in this area recently AFAIK but I’ll take a look.