SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Renaming Folders from Metadata - File tree

I am having an issue with folder trees being created incorrectly.
The rename mask in Renaming Folders from Metadata reads “%bestartist%%folderseperator%%album%” but when i run “Save and Move” directories are created just for the album.

for example:
Title: The Luckiest
Artist: Ben Folds
Album: Rockin’ the Suburbs
Album Artist: Ben Folds

Upon “Save and Move” the file structure looks like this:
Base Folder/Rockin’ the Suburbs/

Am I doing something wrong?

Yes Save and Move just moves the files to the specified folder using their current values for subfolder and filename. You need to run Correct SubFolders from Metadata BEFORE doing Save and Move

Thanks, that was the issue.
