SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Renaming folders based on metadata - to include album year

This really applies to Songkong - however I assume its the same for Jaikoz. I am trying to figure out if there is any formatting i can use so that when I rename the files and create a folder, in this case Artist - Album (year), the year will be the same for all files in the folder, regardless if the year for a specific song is different from the others. So far it creates subfolders for all the various years the songs were produced. Does anyone know how to work around this, either Jaikoz or SongKong?

If using SongKong do you have Format:Use Original Release Date enabled because if you do it puts the earliest release of the song in the year field rather than the date of the release in the year, which is probably causing this problem.

If instead you disable this option then the date of the release will be put in the Year field, and should be the same for all songs in a particular album. The original release date will be stored in the Original Release Year field instead.

Im sorry for having double-posted this. I really thought I tried all options, and it seems to work now. Tusen takk.