SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

renaming files

Hello Guys,

I’m new to Jaikoz and I’m attempting to rename my mp3 collection. A friend has helped with some of this but he’s basically helped me all he can!

I’ve clicked on Preferemces >File and Folder Correct > Rename File From Metadata and I’ve played around with the Rename Mask and Compilation Rename Mask to remove some of the fields.

I basically want to rename my files ‘Artist - Title’ I’m almost there with this but it’s renamed them ‘ArtistundefinedTitle’ Not sure how I remove the ‘undefined’ bit.

Any help would be much appreciated


The problem is you are doing:

but you need to change to

(the ifempty2 function is when you have a field, and an alternative field)
