SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

renamed files with (1) at the end

what causes this? it seems like any track that has non-standard capitalization in them end up with (1).mp3 at the end (ie EZ-Rider, NOFX, etc.)

anyone else have this issue?

No, it happens when there already exists a file with this name without the (1) in the same folder.

well that was what i had originally thought, but when i check the directory, there is only that 1 file. there is no duplicate file.

perhaps there is a conditions when the file is renamed, it is making a duplicate, and then deleting the original?

the capitalization thing seems very suspicious.

Are you running Delete Duplicates ?

You should be abe to run a simple test to see what is a happening and
your support files would help (Advanced/Create Support Files).

I dont think the capitalization has anything to do with this, but I suppose its possible.

no i am not running Delete Duplicates, but these logs are quite handy. i didnt know about that feature. the next time i see the problem, i will check them out.

I just tried to merge 2 folders of music and although several songs have same MBIDs they actually ARE different (extended versions etc) so I still wanted to merge them BUT Jaikoz would NOT save my changes as they would end up in the same folder with the same filename.
Is there anyway to make Jaikoz append a (1) to these dupe filenames?

(I’m running the latest ver 3.9.0 & thought it used to do this somehow in past versions but can’t seem to find a way to do it now)


Yes, it certainly should, can you send your support files please.

Ended up manually deleting dupicate files so cannot now reproduce.
Will send support files if I encounter it again.