SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Rename Using Meta

Good Morning,

I recently purchased the pro software and impressed with the results.

I am struggling to get the ‘Rename Using Meta’ to undertake the action in the following order

Track No -> Track Title

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Hi Stuart

If I have understood you correctly you having problems renaming files from metadata, the Jaikoz option is called Correct Filenames from Metadata so I am not clear if you do indeed have Jaikoz or SongKong ?

Sorry the option I am using in Jaikoz - Correct Filenames from Metadata.

This is an amazing program and saving me hours to resolving issues, I would like to rename in the following format

Track Number - Track Title

Every time I try to change the Java syntax it fails so not sure what I am doing wrong.


thanks, can you post what you currently have in Preferences:File and Folder Correct:Correct:Rename File from Metadata:Rename mask

function pad(number, length) {
      if (number == '') { return '';} 
      var str = '' + number;
      while (str.length < length) {
          str = '0' + str;
      return str;
 function ifnotempty(value,sep){
     return value.length > 0 ? value + sep : '';
 function ifnotempty2(value1,value2,sep){
     return value1.length > 0 ? value1 + sep :value2.length > 0 ? value2 + sep:'' ;
 ifnotempty(pad(trackno,2),' - ') + ifnotempty2(albumartist,artist,' - ') + title

Hmm. bit weird this. I pasted your code into Jaikoz and got an error, the quotes seemed to be wrong. But then I fixed your post in this forum to show as code and repasted and it worked and quotes appeared ok even though I didnt actually edit your code !

Try posting the code above into Jaikoz again and see if it works, it does look ok.

I have copied/paste the code but the action doesn’t rename the file?

But it doesn’t give error in preferences anymore ?

Okay give me an actual example of one of your files, what is current filename and what would you like it it to be ?

Hi Paul,

So the file name is

01-ghghghgh-clubland-Everytime We Touch (radio edit).mp3

I have entered the code and was expecting the file name to change to Track No/Artists/Track

So my expectation would be the following:

01-Cascada-Everytime We Touch.mp3

But nothing is changing now.

I have Open the files, rerun Autocorrect then Correect Filename from Meta, but nothing happens.


Okay so both old and desired new name seem to me match the rename mask just with different data so I think the problem is one of two things:

  1. Your metadata is wrong, what values do you actually have for AlbumArtist and Title fields.
  2. This track is marked as compilation, in which case it will use the mask in Compilation Rename mask rather than Rename mask

It is not clear to me what is going wrong here, could you run Advanced:Create Support Files please and then email them to support

Data emailed as requested.

Hi, there are no errors indicating it hasn’t worked so lets try the following.

Your screenshot excert doesn’t show filename so from the dropdown in the right hand corner select FIlename

Now run Correct Filename from Metadata, do any of the values in the filename column change to the correct value ?