SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Rename Folder/File from metadata

Hi, I have the following rename mask for folder

Year +folderseparator +genre +folderseparator + artist

However I’d like to set it so if one of the value’s isn’t present it puts it in /To Sort folder so I can go back and edit the tags at another time.

Also for file rename I have

(Artist + ’ - ') + title

However I’d like to set it so if the Artist and title isn’t present in tagging it doesn’t change the filename and instead put it in to sort folder.

Can anyone help
Thank You!! :smiley:

I think what you want to do is allow all files to be renamed but when you save changes use the Save if Matched then only the files that have been matched to Musicbrainz/Discogs will actaully be saved, changes to other files that have not been matched (including filename changes) will be discarded.

If a song is matched to Musicbrainz or Dicogs then the basic information such as artist, album, title will always be filled in.

Thank will give that a try, Is there a way I can set my mask to check for artists value if artist is empty and use artists value instead? Thanks

Yes, the functions to do that should be there by default but if not include the following function before the mask below i.e

function ifnotempty2(value1,value2,sep){
     return value1.length > 0 ? value1 + sep :value2.length > 0 ? value2 + sep:'' ;
ifnotempty2(artist,artists,' - ') + title