Have been noticing that out of the albums that have the country release, that about half have it spelled out and half have the country code. The spelled out and country code are both always spelled correctly. Would be nice if there was an option to only use the country code to keep things uniformed. Plus it looks so much better when using the killer new folder and file rename mask to only have the 2 characters. Not to mention it helps save on invalid file names when the path and file name is already near the brink on the maximum aloud length for total path+file name that windows can handle (grumbles something about how much he hates the windows file system).
Release Country, Country Codes
I don’t really understand how you get country codes at all at the moment, can you check the country codes are actually coming from Jaikoz, and if so what country codes you are seeing.
It is the release country that is being added. The release country appears to be added when I do an auto correct, I am assuming from either musicbrainz or discogs. This typically appears to be fully spelled out country names.
With the new ability to be able to add id3 fields, such as the release country, into the rename mask, it would rock if one could have the option to keep the release country as just the 2 digit country code that musicbrainz uses at http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Release_Country instead of jaikoz converting it to a fully spelled out name.
I notice that a lot of my music that I had tagged a while back will have the release country using the country code, ie GB for United Kingdom, US for United States, etc. Once I do an auto correct through Jaikoz, they all get spelled out to the full country name, instead of the 2 digit country code.
Sometimes it is preferable to use just the release country’s country code in the rename mask. So that, for an example,
“Some Album (2011) (KR)”
Doesn’t end up showing up like,
“Some Album (2011) (Korea (South), Republic of )”
Spelling out the country codes can really chew into the allowed windows full file path restrictions. Especially on classical music that can have extremely long album and song names.
Thanks for the clarification.
So the Question is really whether it would be better to have an option in Musicbrainz/Format so that the countrycode is written instead of the country to the tag. Then when you rename the files they will also get the country code.
Or whether it woule be better to leave the country field so it still stores the whole country name, and then just add a field in the Rename File Preferences so that the country code can be used.
Hmm, just realised for compability this field should really be storing Country Code, but I guess some of you actually like it displaying Country, a dilemma…
Yeah, there is pros and cons for both. It would be great if it was an option that could be set in preferences. Maybe have it display the full names by default to make it pretty for those that aren’t doing anything with that field, but also allow the users the option to switch to country codes display in the preferences.
I was a big fan of displaying the full name up until you introduced the improved renaming mask. Now with the new renaming mask the possibilities are endless. No more do I have to manually type in the country at the end of an album if I have more than 1 release of the same album but from different countries. I can now have jaikoz do it for me all the time and keep my collection looking very organized
Would there be any point having two fields:
Country Code
Hmm, not sure. I guess that would be one way to resolve it. It would seem a little redundant as they are the same thing, just displayed differently. I guess one could always just hide the field they don’t want shown in the table view preferences.
Probably would make more sense to just default it to the country code for the release country as that is what musicbrainz uses and displays on their website if given only 1 option. Though without understanding the complexities of the code, i am still in favor of just having a check box to click it and forget it in preferences.
Something like,
Display Release Country as ISO 3166-1 Code
Display Release Country as Country Code
Hey Paul,
Have you had a chance to consider this? Would be awesome if jaikoz would allow one to keep the country code instead of spelling them out. This by far is taking me the longest time having to type back in the country code by hand and look up any country codes I do not have memorized online.
heh, been working on it today. I decided that country has to always store ISO Country Code as you require to be compatible with Picard, but because this could annoy some users who like to have the full country name I have added another field ‘Country’ and renamed the existing field to ‘Country Code’. Then in the MusicBrainz and Discogs options you can decide whether to autopopulate both fields or just one.
I cannot go the way you suggest of just displaying them differently because it is an important feature of Jaikoz that it always shows what is actually stored in your files.
Awesome! Can’t wait to see it. Thank you.