SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Refinement of how data is added to Involved people field

Hi Paul,
I appreciate the improvements you have made to how specific involved technical roles are formatted in the Involved people field.

Could further refinement be added to the preferences menu in way of:

  • Being able to exclude instrument roles being added to the field. So only technical roles are added.
  • having an option to either add or exclude technical roles to the involved people field and/or the specific role field.
    Kind regards

We dont currenlty have that, will consider it

We added that in Jaikoz 12, see below.


Ahh yes that is a great feature brought across from song kong. My request further enhances this option by also adding the option to have jaikoz add the technical roles to the involved people field but excluding them from being populated in there own specific field.


Hi, that can be done by adding them to MusicBrainz:Format:Never modify these Fields

and Remote Correct:Discogs:Never modify these fields