SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Re: Just a Comment about the "Find Missing Album Tracks" Feature...

Okay. If you are a fan of older music, then you might have a lot of compliation/best of/greatest hits albums. If you run Jaikoz, Jaikoz usually changes the album names back to the original studio albums in which the songs were on, so the “Find Missing Album Tracks” feature wouldn’t help, because, since the songs on compilation albums are from different studio albums, instead of the “Find Missing Album Tracks” feature saying you have such and such songs missing from the album entitled “Greatest Hits” or whatever, it would say you have (many) such and such songs missing from these original studio albums.

But read this first:

Then, answer it.

After you have answered that, read this:

I would rather it ignore the album name when doing automatic matches and change the album name to whatever, so that finding matches is easier because album name isn’t considered, so I would keep it this way. I was just pointing this out to you. I know—compromises have to be made and we don’t live in a perfect world.

[quote=Pitman6787]Okay. If you are a fan of older music, then you might have a lot of compliation/best of/greatest hits albums. If you run Jaikoz, Jaikoz usually changes the album names back to the original studio albums in which the songs were on

This is not a decision made by Jaikoz, but a consequence of the makeup of the MusicBrainz database. If you have an Acoustic Id Jaikoz uses this to do a match using the record that is returned, if more than one record matches the Acoustic id then it selects the record with the best matching data. So if your album is the ‘Queens Greatest Hits’ compilation and one of the tracks returned by the Acoustic Id has an album of ‘Queen Greatest Hits’ this will be the one selected. If you don’t have an acoustic id the matching is purely done on the values in your record, so if your record has an album name of ‘Queens Greatest Hits’ this is likely to receive a better score than the original album the track was from.

I expect what is happening in your case is the track you check with the Get Acoustic Ids is sonically identical on the greatest hits version and the original album version. But when the the Acoustic Id is checked against the MusicBrainz Database it only finds the track linked to the original album. because users of the MB database are more likely to tag origin albums than compilations. So Jaikoz updates the record to this.

If you don’t want the album to be changed, you could change the settings of ‘Action Settings/MusicBrainzSettings/Format’ for Album to be ‘Only Populate if Empty’