Hi, I just have a few questions regarding embedding artwork…
In each album folder I have between 1 and 5 jpegs. They would be named “folder”, “back”, “insert”, “insert 2”, “insert 3” etc…
When I go to -> Actions / Local connect / Correct artwork <- it sorts my artwork alphabetically, placing “folder” as the 2nd picture. Is there a way to correct that, or do I need to bulk rename all my jepgs to “1”, “2”, “3”, etc…?
I’ve noticed that in -> Preferences / local connect / Artwork correct <- there is an option to “resize artwork if larger than”. Is this meant to work with jpeg already in my folder, or only newly downloaded jpegs?
And to what extent will “resizing artwork” lower the actual file size? I am looking for the best way to keep the embedded pictures under 100k each, since most the jpegs I have are 500k+.
Thank you.