Sorry, more than likely I am not explaining it correctly or using the correct terminology on what I am doing and what I am seeing and why I am jumping to these conclusions. So let me run down what I am seeing and the exact steps I am doing. These would be for the last 20k or so tracks I have tagged.
I typically will run all my files through picard. That way it can pick off any albums that are easy to identify. I like how it groups albums and gives me a quick display of what is missing or what is extra, and the color code for the accuracy. This usually leaves me with albums that are either not in musicbrainz database, poorly or missing tags, or have multiple discs.
I then look up each album I have in musicbrainz manually. If I find a match I load that folder into jaikoz. Being just the single album. Sometimes single disc albums, other times multiple disc albums.
If it is a single disc album I click on Action from the Menu, Match to Release, Match Songs to Specified MusicBrainz Release. I then copy and paste from the musicbrainz website the MBID from the Release information. If the album had multiple discs, I would do the same thing, but highlight only disc at a time and access the same functions through the right mouse click menu.
If there was enough information in the tags, and there wasn’t more songs than it had listed, as well as it seemed to be dependent on if the duration was available at MB to help it identify the songs on poorly tagged tracks, It would then tag the songs.
Next I would hit up the Reports menu and verify that all albums were complete. If any tracks were missing I would delete the album as I am not a big fan of incomplete albums.
I guess this would be enough, but I was also under the impression that the auto correct would grab additional information and try to find higher quality artwork from discogs and what not. As well as it seemed to try to locate lyrics, also seemed to try to clean up any capitalization issues. So I would then click on Action, Auto Correct.
Depending on the size of the album, the time of day I was running it, etc, it would take 15 minutes to 30 minutes to complete (I have an older computer).
- At this point I was mainly done. If an album couldn’t find any artwork, I would locate it on the web and paste it into jaikoz.
Probably my actions are overly tedious and there is probably a better and more efficient way to get the same results quicker with the same accuracy and I would be more than happy to learn how and change my process as I do admit my current way is extremely time consuming.
The reason for my first post is to find out why I am now seeing different tag information compared to the previous release. For example album artwork. Before the albums showed up with either all the same artwork or no artwork. Now I will have some songs from the album with artwork, some with out, and they may be all different images. Previously I did not see fields that had different information in them such as Disc Total, Disc No, Release Discogs Url. To be honest, I couldn’t say if it added them all previously, or ignored them all previously. Just now I notice it as they would be filled in on some songs and not on others, as before the whole colum would be full or empty, again with only having one album loaded into jaikoz.
You mentioned just to run Correct Lyrics after I match to a specified musicbrainz release. If I do that would it then not take advantage of any of the discogs features? I may be confused, but I was under the impression that running the one after the other would grab additional information that the first might not have had, such as better album artwork. I am guessing I might just need to modify my auto correct preferences to match more what I am use to, but am just a tad confused with the new changes. I read over the release notes, but to be honest did not fully comprehend everything, then again reading it at 3am couldn’t be helping much.
I really do enjoy using this program and I have posted many different places suggesting its use and recommending it. I do not mean to be a pest. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you.