SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Question regarding updating of tags

Im trying to match an album I have to a release on Musicbrainz. The tags on the files are screwed. I know the musicbrainz Identifier number but it keeps telling me

“Unable to find a suitable release for selected songs”

What am I doing wrong? Its driving me mental! thanks :slight_smile:

try using “Retrieve Acoutic Ids” and/or “Match Songs to specified MusicBrainz Release”

[quote=Alfg]try using “Retrieve Acoutic Ids” and/or “Match Songs to specified MusicBrainz Release”

Ive retreived the Acoustic id’s for each track thats why I cant figure out why it wont match it…do I have to save the id’s before I query Musicbrainz again??

The Acoustic Id Database is run by AmpliFIND, not all those tracks are in the Musicbrainz database , and even if they are they don’t neccessarily have a link via the acoustic id because somebody has to say ‘This acoustic id maps to this Musicbrainz id’. Thats why I urge you to use Action:Remote Correct:Submit Musicbrainz/PUID pairs within Jaikoz to improve the database and thats just one reason why we use metadata matching as well as fingerprinting matching.

Currently Musicbrainz contains 10,348,616 tracks but only 5,854,341 acoustic ids (about half the tracks)

Thanks for the quick reply Paul, so I did as you suggested, created a musicbrainz account, loaded the tracks and tried submitting, it said 'Analysing 13 tracks ’ but then nothing? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Are you sure you picked the right task it should say something like ‘Submitting 13 Musicbrainz / AmpliFIND pairs’, assuming your songs have both a Musicbrainz Id and Acoustic Id

Hi Paul

Never did resolve this issue, this is the latest one I’m having problems with. Here is a screen of what I face. I know the release is on discogs but Jaikoz refuses to recognise it. Even if I manually past the URL in!

Any help appreciated

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You are using Jaikoz 3.8.1 but the latest release is 3.9.1 !
Please upgrade, its free.