I just got done reading the userguide online and I still can’t figure out how to solve my situation. I’m hoping someone can tell me; if this is possible and how to do it if it is.
I have an external drive that has 8000 mp3 files saved on it. I’ve ran Jakoz on it with AutoCorrect, Retrieve ID’s, AutoCorrect from MB. I’m not sure it did anything to the files.
A bunch of the mp3’s are in separate folders by Artist name and some just say “Unknown Artist”
My questions are: Can I have Jaikoz rename the Folders these songs are in by Artist and/or can I just move all the mp3’s into one folder on that drive?
It’d be great to be able to save the mp3’s within their folders, with the folders named correctly but I can’t seem to get it to do that. I still have paths that are E:/Music/Unknown Artist/Unknown/ (in this case Track10.mp3. When I add it to iTunes though it shows up with the correct Artist and Track info)
ANY help or advice would help!