SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Question about replacing invalid characters in "file and folder correct"


I’ve successfully updated the meta-data for my audio files (great product, thanks).

I’d now like to correct the filenames, however I’m having an issue: where there are invalid characters in the filename (such as a “/”), Jaikoz removes the character. For example, if the the song title is “Intro / Song Title”, the filename becomes “Intro Song Title”

Is there any way to modify this behavior? I would prefer to be able to specify a replacement character.

I searched for a previous post about this issue, but didn’t find any solutions.


You can’t do at the moment. But I can’t quite see how this would work, would you specify one generic character to use for all replacements or would you want to specify a character for each invalid character ?

If you were happy for the metadata to change as well you could use Find and Replace to change ‘/’ to something else and then run Correct Filename from Metadata

I think best case scenario would be the ability to have renaming rules. You could add one or more rules, and one type of rule could be “replace ___ with ___”.

It would be still be useful, however, to have a single field that allows me to select the replacement for invalid chars. Default value would be blank, as it is now, but I could specify “-” or whatever.

In any case, I’ll just modify the metadata to replace all the “/” with “-”. Not ideal, but miles better than what my music collection looked like before Jaikoz.

Thanks again.