SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Progress Bar for Retrieve Acoustic IDs: Checking xxx songs vs. Processed So Far?

Curious about the progress bar for Retrieve Acoustic IDs.

It looks like the progress bar is using the number of songs (files) as its baseline, but almost looks like it’s counting how many FOLDERS have been processed.

For instance, it found 7197 files but it’s been processing for a while and has only found 495 songs. But it’s actually flying through about 10-15 songs for each one it updates.

Known issue?

Acoustid Fingerprints are calculated per file, but then to find out if the fingerprint is a known one that has already been allocated an AcoustId Jaikoz has to contact the Acoustid server. These queries can be done in batches rather than one file at a time for better throughput. Additionally acoustids are calculated in parallel so more than one is being calculated at the same time.