SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Program has hung a few times


I bought the program yesterday and have been playing around with and testing it with a small batch of 100-150 files. I think i have most setting where i like them so i ran a batch of 1000 files. It completed ok in about an 1hr 45min. I then started manually editing some musicbrainz tags to pick the right albums and and so on. The program responded after each edit quite fast but got progressively slower over maybe the 12 hours or so it was open. Eventually it just hung in the find and replace screen with just showing the hourglass cursor and not responding to the close window buttons. The java.exe was showing a constant 50% on on of the threads and i had to use task manager to close it.

The next run after that i did 3000 songs. It seemed to get to step 17 of 18 in the autocorrector, which was to rename the files from the new tag info, after maybe 8 hours then just hung there for about 4hrs with the java.exe at 50% again. The autocorrect let me cancel it but the interface just stayed greyed out and wouldn’t do anything. It did allow me to hit the close button and prompted me to save changes before exiting which was cool, although i didn’t want to do before checking over the changes, but did anyway as i have a backup of all my songs just in case!

So yeah any ideas as to whats going on? Do you need my logs and if so where do i send them? I am running Jaikoz on a little EeePC with the crappy Atom 1.6ghz processor and only 1 gig of ram in WinXP SP3 if that makes any difference?

Thanks in advance.

Eventually it just hung in the find and replace screen with just showing the hourglass cursor and not responding to the close window buttons. The java.exe was showing a constant 50% on on of the threads and i had to use task manager to close it.
Ok, sounds like a memory leak

So yeah any ideas as to whats going on? Do you need my logs and if so where do i send them? I am running Jaikoz on a little EeePC with the crappy Atom 1.6ghz processor and only 1 gig of ram in WinXP SP3 if that makes any difference?
Thanks in advance.[/quote]
Yes Logs are always a must for problem like these (Action/Create Support Files) , memory is pretty important so with a spec like that I wouldnt try too many files.

No probs i’ve sent the logs. i no this is not the ideal computer to being running Jaikoz on but i’m travelling around the world at the moment and have no other means. I’ve dropped my batches back to 1000 files at a time now. It still tends to get slower after time but hasn’t completely hung yet.

Hey Paul, after using the program everyday for 5 days now i have noticed that pretty much the only thing that makes it go slow is editing the Genre column. Most other columns change instantly or with a very slight delay. If i try to paste a genre over multiple files it compounds the delay. If i have 2 genres per song and paste that over say 20 songs it can take 10mins plus of locked up interface and java.exe at 50%. I am editing the genre separately if i can in another tagger but its a pain, especially since it only allows one per song :frowning:

Any ideas on this?

Thanks man

Weirdly when i just checked the console after pasting 3 genres per song over 43 songs and the console updated immediately. Yet the interface was locked up for 30 mins.

Feb 24, 2009 4:19:51 PM: INFO: Started to get artwork from local folders for 1 files
Feb 24, 2009 4:19:51 PM: WARNING: There are 11 music files in the folder D:\MUSIC FOR JAIKOZ\Ugly Kid Joe\Motel California so looks unlikley to be an album folder so images have not been added
Feb 24, 2009 4:19:51 PM: INFO: Found 0 new artwork images
Feb 24, 2009 4:19:51 PM: INFO: Added 0 artwork images to selected files
Feb 24, 2009 4:19:51 PM: INFO: Completed getting artwork from local folders for 1 files
Feb 24, 2009 4:22:32 PM: INFO: New values pasted into 10 fields
Feb 24, 2009 4:25:34 PM: INFO: New values pasted into 43 fields

It took till 4:55 before i could use it again
I’m now guessing that if i had of just left the computer in the previous times that it hangs, that it would eventually come good. But that would have been quite a long time on the 3000 song test haha.

Pasting values into Genre fields is not different to most other fields except that the TagBrowser has to be updated with any new genre values,so Im guessing this is the cause of the problem but why so slow.

Are you maxing out your memory, how many files did you have loaded when you ran this test, I’ll review the related code.

Not maxing out the memory that i can see. I’m running Jaikoz through the bat file in the program dir to give it more as well. The test from the above info was with about 1000 files but as i closed them off after editing them it makes no difference. Even down to the last 5-10 files the delay is the same.

Yet its still only after the program has run for a while from what i can tell. I hibernated the laptop over several days on and off while finishing the 1000 songs. If i just open say one album and edit the genre straight away there is no delay. Obviously the easy answer is to just open a limited amount of files that i can finish off in one session but its just a curious problem i thought you might want to know about.

I’ve just been running the program with only around 100 songs at a time and after 2 hours the delay is back only with genres again. Its not as bad yet as it was but it does seem to be time dependant on the program running rather than the amount of files.

I just pasted 2 genres per song over 41 songs and it took about 3-4mins. I closed the program and restarted and loaded the same 41 songs and changed to 2 different genres and it pasted them instantly.

Hope this more specific info helps man. Still a sweet program :slight_smile:

Also this may be a different problem but twice now that i’ve noticed the genre has been messed up when i have more than one. Once it said “Rock(43)” when viewed in a player or explorer and another time it said “Alternative RockIndie Rock”

[quote=mark17022]Hope this more specific info helps man. Still a sweet program :slight_smile:
Thanks does help, I’ll run some time based tests

Also this may be a different problem but twice now that i’ve noticed the genre has been messed up when i have more than one. Once it said “Rock(43)” when viewed in a player or explorer and another time it said “Alternative RockIndie Rock”[/quote]
I think there might be a bug in your player rather than Jaikoz, (xx) is the format that can be used when referring to value in the list of genres (43 = Punk) but Jaikoz doesnt use this format anymore so I think it was probably already in the file before you used it with Jaikoz.

But if you want you can send me the file and I can take a look at it.

I’m also having issues with this column.