SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Problems with Musicbrainz servers?

Something seems to be “up” with the MusicBrainz servers. I can retrieve MusicIP IDs, but I’m having a lot of trouble with the MusicBrainz server. I can go manually find an ID and enter it, but then when I try to update tags from that ID nothing happens. If I try to download the IDs, I sometimes get ONE ID for a list of like 40 songs, but then I can’t get any more for that list in the same session. I also note that when the “Auto” function gets to lyrics it complains of NetWork errors, and then if I try it again I get “lyrics service already marked unavailable”.

Sometimes Jaikoz will just look like it’s "finished’ with the MusicBrainz stuff, and others it will actually say “unable to connect to the MusicBrainz server” - but it comes and goes.

Anyone else seeing things like this?



It is ok at the moment, maybe there was a glitch on the server, or maybe you have a problem with your network.


I have been seeing this quite a bit lately. In my case, I wondered if it had to do with the servers or the network, but I’ve gone through the pain and have the musicbrainz server setup locally in a VM.

I am getting the same error quite regularly.

Do you have a connection time limit set on the request to the server? Is it possible that timeout is too low? Or is there other logic that might be getting in the way?

To be clear, this is running Jaikoz against a musicbrainz server on the same machine. Thus, there are no network issues. I have seen the local musicbrainz instance take up to 15 or so seconds to respond.



Paul –

As a side note, I am not a perl hacker, but know enough to understand most of the musicbrainz code. An interesting issue I am seeing with my local instance – which may or may not be occuring on their end – the server makes use of memcached for caching artist info and on a cache-hit the memory usage of the apache process handling the request goes through the roof. And causes thrashing/the system to slow to a crawl, which means I am likely hitting your timeout in the connect.

If you talk to the musicbrainz, you might want to see if they are having a similar memory spike. I will inestigate further and ping them.



I have seen timeouts occuring myself, although when I retry the query it is normally returning within a second. i did mention this to musicbrainz, who couldnt see any problems.

The timeouts were put in to 2.6.0 to handle rare occasions where queries hang because the query never returned. I though 15 seconds was fine seeing as queries are usually less than a second but I will increase it to 60 seconds in 2.6.1, a bug fix release to be released this week or next.

If you can see evidence of a bug in the Musicbrainz server please file as detailed a bug report as you can on their issue tracker at , asap because they are due to do a new server release very soon