SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Problems with albums that exists several times in musicbrainz...


Sometimes an albub gets released under different names in different countries.

For example: I have a flac rip of a record by Cecilia Bartolli that was released as “Arie Antiche: Se tu m’ami” in Europe, but as “If You Love Me: 18th-Century Songs” in the US. MusicBrainz has both albums in its database, with the correct information.
The songs are inconsistently tagged, and I want to correct that using Jaikoz, So I let Jaikoz update the tags from MusicBrainz.

My problem is that on this album Jaikoz tags some tracks as if the were part of the European release, some other tracks as if they were part of the US release (thus with different album name) and some tags are not processed at all (album stays empty)
I’ve seen similar behaviour with other albums, and it gets worse even for “best off” collections where Jaikoz will set the album tags to the original album, not the compilation.

Is there a way to improve this? I’d like somehow to force Jaikoz to treat anything that shares a directory to be considerd part of the same album or compilation.

Thanks in advance,


Sometimes an albub gets released under different names in different countries.

For example: I have a flac rip of a record by Cecilia Bartolli that was released as “Arie Antiche: Se tu m’ami” in Europe, but as “If You Love Me: 18th-Century Songs” in the US. MusicBrainz has both albums in its database, with the correct information.
The songs are inconsistently tagged, and I want to correct that using Jaikoz, So I let Jaikoz update the tags from MusicBrainz.

My problem is that on this album Jaikoz tags some tracks as if the were part of the European release, some other tracks as if they were part of the US release (thus with different album name) and some tags are not processed at all (album stays empty)
I appreciate your predicament but it seems you are saying you have an albums worth of tracks in a folder but some have metadata that corresponds to the US release and osme have metadata that corresponds to the Europe release. Then you want Jaikoz to autocorrect these tags from Musicbrainz dismissing the existing metadataand preferring to simply use the foldername to get the best match. You must realize that in most cases the metadata is more accurate than the foldername, and often users have a folder that contains many unfixed Songs so it would be madness to assume they were all in the same folder.

With a little manual input on your part you could get round this issue, ‘Correct Tag from filenames’ might help standardize the metadata, or you could copy and paste the key fields (artist,album) so all tracks have the same basic info, then Jaikoz would normally pick the same album for all tracks.

This is a different issue, firstly there is the problem of not being able to please everybody all of the time. Some users would like to use the earliest release that a track was on, even if there track actually came from a compilation, others would like to keep the compilation it was on. By default Jaikoz errs towards the first case you need to tick Compilation on the 'Preferences/Musicrbainz/Match/Prefer releases of the Following Type ’ option.

Secondly the compilations are less likley to be in the Musicbrainz database than original releases. Some long standing artists such as Johnny Cash or Frank Sinatra have so many compilations that with each new compilation released the interest in submitting to MB dwindles.

Basically what I’d like is that I could tell MusicBrainz to consider a directory as a whole release, look which release matches the whole set of tracks best, and tag the set all from the same release.
There are for example cases where there are different releases that only have an extra track. For example a release with 11 tracks and one with 12 tracks. When tagging a folder with 12 files I would prefer Jaikoz to tag all of them with the 12 track release, and not the first 11 with the 11 track release and the 12th one with the other…

If course, it would have to be a feature that is optional, or can be tuned.

Anyway, I’ve recently started to use picard too, which at least shows me where albums are split, and where joining them together again is just a simple drag and drop operation.

An option that lets you select a set of rows , and set run ‘Autocorrect tags treat as a Single Album’ is feasible, would that be useful. But if you want to apply this to your whole collection in one go I think it would be a disaster, but you can always run ‘Correct Tags from Filename’ first if your filename has useful information that is missing from the fields.

This is a different issue, that is partially addressed, starting from Jaikoz 2.5.1 when track matches multiple releases identically Jaikoz picks the release where its total number of tracks matches the total number of tracks loaded into Jaikoz with the same release name. This works whether or not the track are in the same folder or not. Of course the track could still match the wrong release because other fields may match one release better than another - for example the length of the track that might have been entered differently in two Musicbrainz releases and your track length might better match the wrong one. But there is another task called ‘Cluster Albums’ that is designed to reduce the number of versions of an album that tracks are spread over that should solve your problem in most cases.