SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Problem with Manual Updates


I’m having a problem with manual updates. I click on the ‘Search’ button, find the correct MusicBrainz track, hit the green ‘Tagger’ button, and nothing happens.

The log file shows this:

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
\tat java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(Unknown Source)
\tat java.util.ArrayList.set(Unknown Source)
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.TrackModel.setRecord(
\tat com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.ManualCorrectTagsFromMusicBrainzDialog.updateDialog(
\tat java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
\tat java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
\tat Source)
\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
\tat Source)

It’s weird that these tracks were never discovered in the first place, since the matches that MusicBrainz provides is 100%. I’m suspecting the same thing that screws up the manual updates is messing them up from being automatically tagged in the first place.

If it helps, this is the tagger URL:

The song is “Papa Loves Mambo” from the “Ocean’s 11” soundtrack.

Otherwise, great program! Best tagger out there.


Oh-- and I have Version 2.8.4 build 1057, running Vista 64-bit.


Thanks I think I can see the bug but if this happens again could you also email me a screenshot of the current Manul tags from Musicbrainz Dialog window that would help me to sove this issue.

Attached is an image of three tracks with the same problem:

The buttons link to:,+for+the+Fatherless+in+Ypsilanti&type=track&limit=10&adv=on&handlearguments=1&tport=8000&key=0


Let me know when you’ve fixed the problem, or if you want me to beta test a release.


Thanks that confirm the bug.
When you pick a option from the website it replaces the first match that was found by Manual Tag with the one you select, BUT in your case Manual Tag found no matches so when it trys to replace the first match with the match you have selected it fails, this will be fixed for next release.

Thanks! Do you have an estimated time for this release?

And do you have any ideas why AutoCorrect never got them? If you look at those MusicBrainz pages there are close matches available for all of them. Any idea what might be wrong in my settings? It successfully tagged a good 1,000 songs.

Should out within a couple of weeks.

My best guess would be that your tracks do not match the duration on Musicbrainz, you can turn off this check by deslecting Preferences/Musicbrainz/Match/Possible Matches Must be Within Track Duration

It’s not the track length. If you look at the image I posted and compared it to the track lengths that MusicBrainz has, they’re very close, if not exact.

I ran a packet sniffer to try to help you figure out this problem.

I have a song, Room 5 Feat. Oliver Cheatham - Make Luv (Axwell remix)

When I run manual correct, and press the “Search” button, it brings me to this URL:
The correct match is the second one down. The time is exact, and the percentage is within my threshold.

When I run auto correct, my packet sniffer sees your app going to this URL:“Make+Luv+\(Axwell+remix\)”++AND+(artist:“Room+5+Feat.+Oliver+Cheatham”+)
If you go to it in a browser, you’ll see that it returns nothing. That’s what my packet sniffer also shows.

If I remove the quotes and backslashes, it will work and return the proper results. I think you aren’t escaping something in the URL correctly?

No the problem is I’m searching for an artist called Room 5 Feat. Oliver Cheatham (based on your Metdata), but Musicbrainz just has the track artist as Room 5.

This is a difficult issue, but there are some improvements to be made to Jaikoiz wrt to featured artists and remixes which would probably have solved this problem.

Ah. Maybe if a search returns no results to send another query without the quotes for a non-exact search?