SongKong Jaikoz

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Problem with Jaikoz on Mac OS X 10.4.10

I’m having a problem on with Jaikoz on my mac. I click on it and it bounces a couple of times on the dock and then disappears without giving an error or starting up all the way.

Intel iMac
Mac OS X 10.4.10
Sept 7th, 2007 release of Jaikoz.

I’ve tried repairing permissions, repairing the hard drive etc. in disk utility with no luck. I even deleted it from Applications and downloaded it again without any luck.

Any ideas here?



Hi, have you installed Java 1.5 ?

Could you send me your jaikozuser0-0.log and jaikozdebug0-0.log and console.log, these should contain more information.

[quote=paultaylor]Hi, have you installed Java 1.5 ?

Could you send me your jaikozuser0-0.log and jaikozdebug0-0.log and console.log, these should contain more information.[/quote]

Sorry I should have mentioned it was previously working on this system and only recently stopped working and started the double bounce then quit deal.

Also I cannot seem to find those files on my system. the Jaikozxxxx ones anyway.

I’m fairly sure that I have the latest java from apple installed but I will re-download an install it again to make sure.


Is this since upgrading Jaikoz ?

There should be at least a jaikozuser0-0.log in Home/Library/Logs/Jaikoz and you will definently have a console log called console.log which is easiest to find by running the Applications/Utilities/Console application.

[quote=paultaylor]Is this since upgrading Jaikoz ?

There should be at least a jaikozuser0-0.log in Home/Library/Logs/Jaikoz and you will definently have a console log called console.log which is easiest to find by running the Applications/Utilities/Console application.[/quote]

Hehe, well as much as I am sure there should be there is not. I have also searched all of my console and system logs and cannot find any jaikoz entries anywhere in them either.

I use Onyx the system tool to keep my system clean and so even if the logs did exist at one time it probably cleaned them out for me on my last pass with it.

If you still think sending along a console log will help you out I’m still happy to send it along.

This was working ok on this imac and only recently when I tried to use it (I only use it once a month maybe) it refused to work and started giving me the double bounce and quit. So I thought maybe it had become damaged somehow and so I repaired permissions, rebooted and downloaded the latest version and installed it and still no luck.


Can you empty the console log, then try Jaikoz again, and then immediately after that send the console log.

You could also in a terminal window
cd /Applications/

and see if that works

If you still think sending along a console log will help you out I’m still happy to send it along.
Can you empty the console log, then try Jaikoz again, and then immediately after that send the console log.

You could also in a terminal window
cd /Applications/

and see if that works

Ok I’ll send the console log later this evening when I have more time.

Here is what I get when trying the above.


Last login: Sun Sep 9 11:05:38 on console
Welcome to Darwin!
tiger:~ lbrixey$ cd /Applications/
tiger:/Applications/ lbrixey$
-bash: command not found
tiger:/Applications/ lbrixey$ ls
AACTagReader jaxb-api.jar
Filters.jar jaxb-impl.jar
MRJAdapter.jar jhall.jar
MultipleGradientPaint.jar jl1.0.jar
acknowledgement.html jmock-1.1.0RC1.jar
activation.jar jsr173_1.0_api.jar
commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar libquaqua.jnilib
commons-logging-1.1.jar license.txt
genpuid looks-2.1.1.jar
help looks.jar
jaikoz-LICENSE.txt lucene-core-2.1.0.jar
jaikoz.jar mipcore quaqua.jar readme.txt settings.jai settingsdefaults.jai spring-core-1.2.8.jar
jaudiotagger-LICENSE.txt spring-richclient.jar
jaudiotagger.jar swing-layout.jar
jaudiotaggersrc.jar swingx.jar
tiger:/Applications/ lbrixey$
-bash: command not found
tiger:/Applications/ lbrixey$


Sorry you need to run ./ NOT just

[quote=paultaylor]Sorry you need to run ./ NOT just

hehe DUH! I should have known that. It was late and I wasn’t paying attention…

In any case trying to start it that way works. I’ll attach the log file it created when starting. Sorry about the console.log not being sent yet I’ll try to get to it today. This is a work machine and is busy 9-5 generally.


[quote=paultaylor]Sorry you need to run ./ NOT just

Ok I shut it down and cleared the console.log file and then tried to start jaikoz via the icon a couple of times and I still am just getting the double bounce and quit. So I pulled up the terminal and tried to start it manually a couple of times and it worked just fine that way.

After doing this the console.log was still empty so I am sending both jaikoz log files unless you can tell me of another file I can send you that might help you find the problem.



Hi, nothing in the logs unfortunately - I am at a loss to know the problem but there are a couple of other things we could do.

  1. Run Jaikoz directly from the Disk Image, rather than copying it to Applications and see if that works.

  2. Increase debugging level

Edit Applications/, changing the line
-l2 -m2 -f
-l7 -m2 -f

then retrying , and send me the logs again.

(The debugging will slow Jaikoz down, so only do this temporarily for diagnostic purposes)

  1. is there anyway I could connect to your Mac. (I did this for other customer using DesktopTransporter).

For what it is worth, I am successfully running the latest release on 10.4.10 (actually on 2 iMacs - one a PPC and one an Intel in the house).

[quote=paultaylor]Hi, nothing in the logs unfortunately - I am at a loss to know the problem but there are a couple of other things we could do.

  1. Run Jaikoz directly from the Disk Image, rather than copying it to Applications and see if that works.

  2. Increase debugging level

Edit Applications/, changing the line
-l2 -m2 -f
-l7 -m2 -f

then retrying , and send me the logs again.

(The debugging will slow Jaikoz down, so only do this temporarily for diagnostic purposes)

  1. is there anyway I could connect to your Mac. (I did this for other customer using DesktopTransporter).


Still no luck with the slowdown settings. I looked at the logs and there is still nothing there.

You may connect to my imac whenever you would like. Just PM me with the details of when you want to date and time and I will PM you back with the log in details.



Shawn I did private message you but got no reply, maybe Jaikoz 1.12 will fix the problem ?