Apologies if this has already been addressed; if it has, I cannot find it on the forum.
Using fully-licensed version of Jaikoz 5.2.0. Running OSX 10.8.4.
I am converting a lot of discs to .m4a that require manual entering of the song titles, either in OSX Finder or in Jaikoz. Depending on which task I do, I then run the following
Action - File and Folder Correct - Correct Filenames From Metadata
Action - File and Folder Correct - Correct Metadata From Filename
However, both of these actions have recently quit working for me. When I run the task I get a progress balloon that says it is reading the files, and then . . . nothing.
Without these working, I have to enter in song titles twice - once as metadata and again as the filename. Obviously a bummer for me.
Is anyone else experiencing this problem? If so, are there any fixes available?