SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Problem Saving Artwork

Just updated to Jaikoz 9.0.0. (1158). Although changes to other fields are saving as before, this isn’t the case with the artwork. I copy and paste in to Artwork field and it’s visible but fails to save.
I’m running Jaikoz on Windows 10.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Thanks John

HI, I just did a quick test and it is working for me. But that isnt to say there isn’t a problem for you so please email me your support files (Help:Create Support Files), that will leads to the quickest resolution


I’m having the same problem since the 9.0 update. Will send the support files your way.

It appears there is a problem saving Artwork if not using ID3 format such as with Mp4, Flac and Ogg. Mp3, Wav and Aiff should be okay.

Im working on this now but I am away this weekend so may not be able to release it until Monday.

If you cant wait you can install Windows from
and OSX from

But note that the installer wont overwrite newer files with older ones so you’ll need to install into a different location or delete the existing installation first

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Well the good news is there is no problem with saving artwork. If you view these files in another application you will find the artwork has been added after all. The problem is for non ID3 formats Jaikoz is not reading the artwork when it loads the files.

So if you only use mp3, wav, aif and dsf you have no problem, if you use other formats such as flac, mp4, wma and ogg then you do. I will endeavour to fix as quickly as I can but even a simple release takes a certain amount of time and effort.

Okay this should now all be fixed in Jaioz 9.0.1

I wonder if I have the curse of Flac and artwork not embedding. I am using windows 10 and I have the symptoms described. I didnt realise there was a forum so I sent you an email with a link to the album.

I was beginning to think it was me doing something wrong now I am not so sure.


Do you have Jaikoz 9.1.0 installed, Im slightly confused because when I open the folder of songs you sent me the artwork is displayed, if its not displaying for you

Close all Files
Run Advanced:Empty Cache
Reopen Files

Additionally I deleted the artwork from the files and ran Local Correct:Artwork Correct and this put the folder.jpg in the folder to each file

One thing I did notice (which may be the real issue) is the songs were not matched to MusicBrainz or Discogs which was unusual for such a well known album. But i tracked down the problem your track eight Skipping is invalid it is only 22 seconds long instead of four minutes and that is why Jaikoz is rejecting all the possible matches.

If you disable Preferences:Remote Correct:Only allow match if all songs in grouping match one album you’ll see that Jaikoz matches all tracks except the offending track 8

Hopefully this will clear things up for you

In fact I went to my synology server and the artwork showed in there in its music app which suggested the tagging operation in jaikoz worked. so i removed from my player and copied across and now the player picked it up.

Ive got more to double check and yes I am using the latest update in Jaikoz.

to make it easier is there a direct way to filter for songs with no artwork?

You cant filter, but you can just click on the Artwork column to sort and that will list all the songs with artwork before those without (or vice versa)