Upload and Save Ratings
Unfortunately different Music Players use different internal values to represent ratings, so a particular value that might denotes 5 stars in iTunes would only denote 2 stars in Windows Explorer. To solve this issue Jaikoz lets us specify how to interpret the values when they are loaded using the Upload and Save ratings so compatible with option, this will interpret the ratings as they are loaded and save the ratings using that format. We can also use it to convert ratings, for example if we load songs that have ratings stored in Windows Media format and we would like to use them in iTunes set the option to Windows Media Player, load the files into Jaikoz, change the option to iTunes and save your changes.
To further complicate things, many players do not actually store their ratings in the songs themselves instead they store therm in their own internal database, Jaikoz provides a solution for this problem if you are using iTunes. If Jaikoz is configured to update changes to iTunes and we have changed the rating field then on save this field is used to update the rating within the iTunes database, giving us a way to modify your iTunes ratings outside of iTunes itself. If you make further changes to the files in Jaikoz but do not modify the ratings field then on save it will not overwrite the rating within iTunes (unless you do Force Save), this means you can make subsequent changes to the ratings within iTunes without being concerned that Jaikoz will replace the values. Remember that iTunes does not store it’s ratings in the files themselves, and ratings stored in the iTunes database are not read by Jaikoz