Romanize non-Latin script artist names whenever possible
The Romanize non-Latin script artist names whenever possible uses the Latin versions of non-latin names where possible. If the artist names is in a non-Latin script such as Chinese, Japanese or Cyrillic its Latin equivalent will be used if available. This is very useful for Western speakers who typically only can only pronounce Latin script but may have music from other cultures because then it allows them to pronounce the names of any of the artists in their collection.
The Latin name is often stored as an additional alias within the original MusicBrainz database, it maybe a transliteration of the original name or an alternative Latin based name that the artists is known by in the Western world. The Albunack Server additionally links Discogs artists to the corresponding MusicBrainz artist if it exists so that now you can often get Latin names even when your songs only match a Discogs release and not a MusicBrainz release.
This option will not just romanize performers it will also romanize all individuals associated with the release such as composers, conductors and engineers.