SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Preferences: MusicBrainz: Format: Never Modify these Fields


Never Modify these Fields

When Jaikoz identifies songs all the standard metadata such as song title, artist and release title are automatically updated. But there are some specialist situations when we might not want Jaikoz to update certain fields. With the exception of a few fields always required by Jaikoz we can specify that certain fields are never modified by Jaikoz .

We may want to limit the number of fields added to a minimal set and do not want to add fields we have no requirement for.

If are using Jaikoz to match songs against home compilations tapes that do not exist in the official databases then we may want to maintain our custom track numbering by adding Disc No , Disc Total , Track No and Track Total fields to this option.

Jaikoz also completes the various Sort Artist fields, this is usually very useful because it allows artists to be sorted more sensibly then using their actual name, in English a particular problem is the number of bands whose name begins with The , but of course it is not usually helpful to have so many bands grouped under the letter T . But if Jaikoz only matches some of your songs it can cause problems in iTunes if some songs by an artist have an Artist and a Sort Artist and some do not. Some customers just prefer not to use sort artists so they can be disabled.
