SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

possible bugs

before I make my first post, let me just say a quick thanks - I tried about a dozen taggers over the last week and jaikoz is the best hands down. I should have my whole collection tagged in under a week, no small accomplishment! I happily bought in.

that said, just a couple things I noticed over the past couple days of heavy use:

  1. when going to type in a cell, jaikoz constantly decides to highlight and delete the first character I type. As in, I start typing Jay-Z, and I end up with ay-Z.

  2. the progress bar during auto correction is essentially non-functional. It would be nice if it displayed an indication of how far through the process it really was.

  3. overall, jaikoz seems to be a step behind me when I do much of anything - selecting folders, choosing menu items, etc. I’m not sure if it’s something to do with java translating what I’m doing in the background, but it would be nice if it could keep up with me.

  4. occasionally when doing an entire folder and using the “save and move” option, I’m left with a few stray mp3s in the old folder that are named “temp302342.mp3” or something along those lines. I have to retag and move those manually. Is this something that can be fixed?

  5. If I have duplicates of what jaikoz finds to be the same song, jaikoz seems to delete one of the copies. As in, I had 450 mp3s in a folder, and after editing tags and choosing save and move, I ended up with 429 or so. Going back through things, I found what was deleted were the duplicates. However, jaikoz didn’t prompt me or tell me it was doing this in the console or otherwise. In all cases it seemed to have kept the higher bitrate version of the song - but in some cases, I had replaced a high bitrate version with a low bitrate version because there were encoding errors on the higher bitrate one. So, in that case, I’d rather keep the lower bitrate one. I think this duplicate entry should trigger a popup or some sort of highlighting or something before jaikoz deletes. Even an overwrite confirmation dialog would be ok.

otherwise, I don’t have much criticism - jaikoz is a fantastic piece of software and I’m not sure what I would be doing with out it! typing in a lot more tags, that’s for sure.

known problem, what is happening is as you type the first character it is highlighted, adding the second character shold replaces the first character as it is selected, should be able to get this sorted out.

This is a known problem originally only tasks that performed on all records as a batch (such as local Correct Artisst) were availble in the autocorrecter, the tasks that perform record by record were added later.

Not really sure what you mean here.

Are you saying these are created by Jaikoz, are you sure ?

Really, I need to investigate this further did the files have duplicate filenames , could you send me your log files please ?

otherwise, I don’t have much criticism - jaikoz is a fantastic piece of software and I’m not sure what I would be doing with out it! typing in a lot more tags, that’s for sure.[/quote]
Thanks, glad you like it.

yes. If I’m retagging 100 files and right clicking to choose “save and move” to move them into a “fixed” folder - typically there are 2-3 songs that get left behind from the process, and the filenames are something like what I mentioned (temp123423.mp3)

It’s not a huge deal, just an annoyance.

Yes, the files seem to have been deleted when renaming the filenames to duplicate filenames. Although, files from different albums added a (1) or (2) to the filename. So like Nirvana “come as you are” from the Nevermind album would be renamed “Nirvana - Come As You Are” and then the same track from the unplugged album would be named “Nirvana - Come As You Are(1)” but another file of come as you are from the nevermind album that was perhaps a different bitrate would disappear entirely.

what address would you like me to send the logs to?

another “not a big deal” - it’s just slow to respond. If I do anything - go to add a folder, for example - jaikoz has a noticable pause after I click, a noticeable pause as I browse my computer for directories.

there’s not the usual “instant” interactiviity, where when I click or do something it happens instantly. is this just because it was coded in java?

I can sort of confirm point 4. I am also getting these files since I started using Jaikoz. However sofar these always have been zero length files so I just delete them.
I will check tonight if I have any non-zero ones.

[quote=jbills]Yes, the files seem to have been deleted when renaming the filenames to duplicate filenames. Although, files from different albums added a (1) or (2) to the filename. So like Nirvana “come as you are” from the Nevermind album would be renamed “Nirvana - Come As You Are” and then the same track from the unplugged album would be named “Nirvana - Come As You Are(1)” but another file of come as you are from the nevermind album that was perhaps a different bitrate would disappear entirely.

what address would you like me to send the logs to?
Are you saying you that before you do the Save and Move you have three files called :
Nirvana - Come As You Are
Nirvana - Come As You Are
Nirvana - Come As You Are(1)

listed in jaikoz in the same folder,

because if you are that shouldn’t happen because Jaikoz checks filenames as they are modified and make adjustments to ensure therey are not duplicates e.g
Nirvana - Come As You Are
Nirvana - Come As You Are(1)
Nirvana - Come As You Are(2)

so if you start with duplicate filenames, there is a bug there. Or are the files within differents folder but you are unchecking the ‘Create Folders hierachy’ checkbox, so they end up in the same folder, I think there could be a problem here.

You can send logs to

There can be a delay opening a folder if it contains many folders/files and this is a java issue but I wouldn’t generalise that everything is slow to respond, Id have to look at everything on a case by case basis, in general task shouldnt be slower because Jaikoz is written in java.

ok, thanks for taking a look.

the files with the same name are in the same folder. They aren’t originally the same name - I am performing a “rename from tags” operation - I think that might be at which point I am losing files. Possibly. I’ll let you know if I notice at what point they are zapped.

I’ll send the logs.

the two points I notice the “java slowdown” most is when using the file browser and right clicking.

speaking of right clicking - I have a suggestion for the right click menu (and menu along the top) while I have your attention - could you add a “correct case” option?

I have many rare mp3s that aren’t able to be auto tagged, so I find myself tagging from the filename. Problem is, many of the file names are written in all lower case. Or some of my track/artist names are all upper case, which seem to throw off the musicbrainz matches and give me some obscure indian artist instead of what I’m after. It would be nice if jaikoz could add an option to make these proper upper/lower names at the click of a button.

After running rename from tags do you then have multiple files listed in jaikoz with the same base folder,subfolder and filename (at this point nothing has yet been saved or deleted).
