SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Podcast Extended Tags Stripped by Jaikoz - Why?

Jaikoz is AWESOME. I’ve added metadata to hundreds of thousands of my songs with it. But here’s my issue:

When i edit a podcast MP3 in Jaikoz and save it, it strips the extended tags off the mp3 making the podcast somewhat useless (unless i import it into “mp3tag” and add the tags back). The extended tags that my podcasts have from iTunes are (there are probably more than this list):


Why does Jaikoz strip these tags off? It shouldn’t strip tags just because it doesn’t recognize them. The stripping of the tags is an issue for me, so I putting this in the “issues” forum. I will also put a separate post in the wishlist forum about enabling functionality to actually edit extended tags like mp3edit allows.

You are right, but Jaikoz doesnt do this, perhaps you could send me a file to test this out and see why this seems to be happening.

Or you could try doing the following:

Enable View/Show ID3 Tabs
Load a file you know to have these fields
Click on the ID3 Edit Tab
Find where these fields exist, I would guess they are either in:

User Defined Text
Not Supported
Unknown List

Save file in Jaikoz
Reopen file in Jaikoz, are the fields still there or have they disappeared ?