SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Paste to Start/End

How is “Paste to End” supposed to work? I assume that I can copy the Artist field and “Paste to End” and it’s supposed to paste every Artist field to the bottom, but instead it pastes only into the selected cell with a space inserted for the first character.

Am I assuming wrong or is it broken?

It’s working how its meant to, like Copy/Paste usually does but instead of overwriting field it adds to existing value.

But I think you want Append to Right which takes tales value from each row in column on the left and adds to corresponding row on the column in the right.

Gotcha, I was assuming wrong.

I was thinking you could copy a value, say (in Excel terms) cell B28, and “Paste to End” and have cell B29 through B40 pasted in.


Right, I see it was the word end that confused. I don’t think your use case would be useful that often, of course you can achieve what you want by selecting all the fields to paste to, and the pasting once.

What Jaikoz doesn’t have is a shorcut to select from current field to end column and various other shortcuts/special key combinations.

Certainly not very useful or a feature request or anything, I just remembered seeing the command and thought I’d try it out.

I was filing a bunch of different artist files and the last hundred-some were Ozzy Osbourne. I thought I could just “Paste to End” the Artist and Album Artist and then I got some confusing results.

Now I know, and knowing… is half the battle. :slight_smile: