SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

OSX 1024MB Memory Limit

Brilliant Program!!
Unfortunately, like others, I have run into the 1GB memory limit when working on a large library. Approx 4-5000 songs will load (depending on the cumulative song size) then warn the app is out of memory. I’ve tried this on a MacBook with 2GB, a G5 Workstation with 8GB and an XServe with 8GB with each using 1GB then dying. Loading less songs simply means the app will die when it hits the 1GB barrier while processing. This program would be a dream come true if it could actually load and work on an entire library from start to finish.

I am working on removing the way memory used is bound to how many files you have loaded, its unusual that you run out of memory whilst processing files because Jaikoz does a number of things to prevent running out of memory once files have been loaded.

It would be great if you could load all your library in one go, but loading in batches still allows you to process your files quite quickly.

But you can increase the amount of memory used by Jaikoz by following the instructions in the offline help.

like others i ran into this limit, I am trying to load my library as a whole (75000 tracks) because i need to do serious fixing for old ID3 tags that are not happy with iTunes (or maybe the other way around :wink:
so I modified the Info.plist parameter :
-Xms150m -Xmx1500m
so I thought it would be ok
well the last time I saw Jaikoz working, he had dealt with about 45000 tracks, and when i came back 30 minutes later, there was nothing left on the screen, all gone.
this is not an issue for me, 45000 at one is plenty, I will do 2 or 3 passes, it is just to let you know
thanks for this nice program

I have to add that I have 2Gb of Ram, this is why I set the params as 1500 in the line :
-Xms150m -Xmx1500m