SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Oops! Configuration reset mid-session (after 2 hours semi-idle)

I just spent about two hours re-writing my javascript rename masks in TextEdit on OSX. When I pasted in my final changes and clicked “Save”, Jaikoz hung for a second and reset the masks to their previous state (2 hours earlier).

Jaikoz was “Idle” but I was I frequently copy/pasting text back-and-forth between Jaikoz and TextEdit to test my changes. So it was sort of being used and in focus during the idle time.

The last messages in the debug log are from 5:43pm when I started working on the masks. I clicked “Save” at about 7:48pm.

Deeper in to the OSX Console, messages from ~ 7:48 include:
“JavaApplicationStub[3846]: CPSSetForegroundOperationState(): This call is deprecated and should not be called anymore.”
“JavaApplicationStub [3891]:NSDocumentController Info.plist warning” (etc etc… I reported this before).
(Last message repeated twice)

So again it looks like the only flag that went up during that time was the NSDocumentController Info.plist warning. I’m not sure if this is really relevant to the problem I noticed… However, if it is, and if this is somehow related to preference changes being ignored, it would explain a LOT of the inconsistency I’ve experienced.

Any chance that this issue can get resolved so I can test it in the next beta?

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Ive posted a question to Apple about this.