SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Only loading 1 Discogs Style in Genre tag lately

Recently I’ve started experiencing SongKong only adding one Discogs style in the Genre tag for my MP3s, despite having it cranked up to 9 max.

I am getting multiple Discogs Genres loaded into my Grouping tag, however.

Am I missing some setting somewhere?

(Support file has been uploaded)

Looking at Fix Songs Report 801 you do have multiple Discogs styles added to Genre field

But note we only add the Styles (or Genres) if they are in the Allowed Genre list

Hi Paul,
I responded by e-mail with screenshots.


Nothing recieved so far, but would be better if you could post as part of the topic so helpful to everyone.

Hi Paul,
It doesn’t seem to be writing in a way that is being picked up; this has only been happening over the past few weeks on most (all?) of the tracks that get a Discogs match.

I can manually write multiple genres to tracks in MediaMonkey. And I have all the Discogs styles in the allowed genres list.

It is writing all of the Discogs Genres in the Grouping tag.

So you are not saying it isn’t writing multiple genres, just that Media Monkey cant read the multiple genres ?
So it could be a change to configuration in Media Monkey ?
It may be related to the ID3 version used in the file (ID3v23, ID3v24)

Could you send me the audio file so I can inspect it, and try it myself with Media Monkey.

It looks like ID3 versions. I set the MediaMonkey library version to v2.3, ran the Update Tags command.

It did not bring up all the genres in the view, but when I re-ran SongKong on a copy of the changed file, with the genre blanked out, I imported the new file in and now have all the genres.

I think this means I will have to run SongKong from my MediaMonkey listing. I typically keep files out of my main Music collection folder until I tag them and then put them in MediaMonkey. Changes my workflow a little, but not too much of a hassle.

Hi, you can force SongKong to always write the tag as ID3v23 even if existing tag is ID3v24 by setting MP3 Metatag Version to V23

This should then avoid having to change your workflow.

But note usually we recommend using ID3v24.

I had it set to Same as or V2.4 option, with 3.1 and V2.4 set in MediaMonkey.

So I shall keep it to v23 strictly and see how it goes.

Thanks for your help.