SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

OLD:Forthcoming Jaikoz enhancements

The top 15 enhancements Id like to make to Jaikoz, there is another list for new features and another for bug fixes.

  1. Add mini folder selecter within the Base Folder field, to make it easier to move files to new location
  2. Add some beeps on task completion
  3. Add a search button like in iTunes, that would filter tracks to those containing search string in album, artist, title
  4. Find and Replace should be able to restrict find to the currently selected fields.
  5. Add filter/highlighter to find records with the same musicbrainz id AND Music IP id
  6. Add filter/highlighter to find records with non-standard genres
  7. The Capitalizer needs exception word list
  8. Need a Punctuation Replacer
  9. Be able to toggle Off/On Colour coding
    10.When running Manual tag from Musicbrainz it should analyse the next records whilst you are looking at the results of first batch
    11.Add the ability to set a mask when tag from filename if know format of the files
    12.In the MP3 views should be able to toggle header between field name and id (e.g Album, TALB)
    13.Add link to wikipedia for artists and albums
    14.Add link to Amazon for ASINs
    15.Add ability to modify log settings from within Jaikoz

The Capitalization Exception List:
Yes, i have seen this feature in the tagger i used to use when i was a windows guy: MediaTagger. It had some exceptions like UB40, DJ, etc. It’s very handy. And, because this is a MusicBrainz app, Jaikoz could be aware of the MB capitalization standards, like prepositions in lowercase, etc. Thanks for this wonderful application!

Enhancement 2 done in Jaikoz 2.3.0

Enhancements 3,5,6,13 and 14 done in Jaikoz 2.4.0

Enhancement 9 done in jaikoz 2.4.1

Enhancement 7 done in Jaikoz 2.5.0