SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Ok to leave iTunes open when work in Jaikoz?

I’m on Mac with Snow Leopard and iTunes 10.

I have my iTunes library on a USB drive. Is it ok to have iTunes running on my Mac when I’m editing in Jaikoz? Do the edits to tags you do automatically appear in iTunes?

Or should I shut down iTunes when using Jaikoz


Its best not to be using iTunes whilst updating from Jaikoz. Jaikoz does update iTunes by creating a playlist of all the modified songs within the Jaikoz playlist folder within iTunes, but if you start modifying filenames and file locations it can sometimes be difficult for iTunes to pickup all the changes automatically.

Yes thats okay Jaikoz has to start iTunes because it has to call iTunes routines in order to inform iTunes of changes, but that is different to you starting iTunes and doing intensive tasks in it whilst Jaikoz is also trying touse it.

Yes and no, iTunes is very playlist centric ,and to inform iTunes of changes you have put the changed file into a playlist