SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Odd MusicBrainz matching

I’m using BETA 2
And I am getting some odd problems with matching files against MusicBrainz.
Here is an example:

I am matching the Insane Clown Posse album Hallowicked. All files matched properly except track 13.
Track 13 has the correct Artist, Album, Track Number, and Track length. The only problem is one character in the title. The file has “Wicked Hellaween” where MusicBrainz has “Wicked Helloween”.

When I do a manual correct I get every track in the album EXCEPT track 13 (no MusicIP ID match).
If I fix the title (change one character) it returns with a score of 86 (all other tracks in album score a 47).

[quote=oillio]I am getting some odd problems with matching files against The file has “Wicked Hellaween” where MusicBrainz has “Wicked Helloween”.
Is this odd, the title doesn’t match and by default the title is worth 40 when it does match. When querying Musicbrainz complete words have to match to get a match so every track with the word Wicked in the title matches as accurately as Wicked Helloween so we end up with alot of potential matches based on matching the word wicked, matching the release or artist or track number.

When selecting which one to choose with jaikoz matches dont have to be exact to get a match but we only check the first ten matches based on Musicbrainz Server scoring. And any tracks with the word Wicked in them and a match on one other field such as trackno may score higher than the real track , if there are ten or more such tracks the real track will not be in the list to check further.

So its not that odd, but Ill consider this problem when refining the jaikoz matching algorithm.

That would make sense, except all of the fields that come up do not have wicked in the title. The one track in the album that has wicked in the track name and the correct track number and the correct track length is not presented. 10 other songs in the album (without a matching track number or track name) are displayed. All with the same match score. As you said, the one track that matches album name, track number, and a partial track name should get a higher score than all of these.

It happened to me again on a John Lee Hooker album. The track number was prepended to the track name, so the name looks like “04 Hobo Blues.” So again the partial track name and the correct track number should give the correct track a higher score. And it did for tracks 1 - 10 (scored 81 for the correct track 47 for the others). But tracks 11 - 24 did the same thing, displayed 10 tracks from the album with a score of 47, none of them the correct track.

There seems to be an inconsistency in the musicbrainz search index, I should have a workaround for this in the next release.

Excellent man. Thanks.
This bug is frustrating. Seeing the entry I need, one track down, for 10 tracks at a time can get annoying.

Thanks again.

I downloaded the new version and I am still having problems. Another example:
I manually copied the MB Unique ID field and updated the tags from that, so all the tags should match the MBDB exactly and the song length matches. But when I run manual correct I don’t get the song. The match scores that are returned are 55, 47, and 11. No MusicIP matches. The correct entry should be at least in the 90’s and an 11 is beating it out?
The song is:
Artist - The Supremes
Album - The Supremes (disc 2)
Title - Falling in Love With Love
Track - 16
MB ID - 612a24b1-1575-4f72-8aab-a3b47b8ff3b5

I have edited the Match Score values, making Title, Artist, and Track No the highest importance.

BTW- I like the darker colors in the new Mac version (though I would still suggest highlighting the entire row is some way). And the fixes to selecting and editing fields in the table really help. Thanks.

Sorry I didnt get to fix this issue in this release.

The problem is to with case in prepositions on the Music search Engine

I thought prepositions need to always be lowercase so when I query Musicbrainz for tracks with a title of ‘Falling in Love With Love’ I send it
‘falling in love with love’ , but it turns out most prepositions/conjunctives must always match the case they are on the server which is usually but not always lowercase.

So on the server this track is held as ‘Falling in Love With Love’


‘Falling in Love With Love’
‘falling in love With love’
‘falling in love With Love’

would all match


‘Falling in Love with Love’
‘falling In love With love’
‘Falling In love with Love’

would not match (only the case of in and With is important)

They are looking at replacing the search engine used, but the timescale has not been defined. So I’ll put in a workaround in the next release that will try different combinations of prepositions to get a match. because I always make the value lowercase in the current version of Jaikoz there is no workaround at the moment.

Cool. Thanks for for figuring out what the problem was.
I know how much it sucks to have to hack around problems with someone else’s systems.

Have you considered adding support for their test search server mentioned on their blog.
I have no idea how much work that would be for you, but it would be cool to be able to try out the new system on the tracks I get bad results on.


Musicbrainz provides a web interface and an xml interface for searching for tracks. Jaikoz uses the xml interface but only the Web Interface is available on the test server so this canot be used with Jaikoz, anyway this is intended for testing not general purpose use. But I am doing some tests with the new Musicbrainz/Xapian search so that when it is released it will work properly with Jaikoz.

Jaikoz 2.5 beta contains a workaround for the current Musicbrainz server that will handle most cases - and the MB server should be updated next week.

It’s back, but different.

I have an album Janet Jackson - All for You (Don’t ask WHY I have it), only two tracks match automatically.
I open MusicBrainz for the matched release, pull the MB UID for the track “Intro” and add it to the appropriate track and fix tag data from that UID, so all track data should match the MB DB exactly.
I have unchecked “Possible matches must be within track duration” but the track is only 2 sec off anyway.
Manual Correct tags from MB returns no results.

I get similar results for most on the tracks in the album.

hmm, unfortunately the planned update of the Musicbrainz Server for improved search hasnt happened yet, so Im stuck with still working round the issues in the current search, I’ll have to take another look.

Just FYI - I tried it on the Development server and it returned nothing as well.

Thanks for the info

Looks like the latest version fixed it.

OK, here’s some weirdness:

I changed my “Match Score” tab so that Artist, Release, and Track Num are all about 33, the rest 0.

I try to match manually:
Artist: Okkervil River (correct)
Album: Down the River of Golden Dreams (correct)
Track Num: 04 (correct)
Title: Track 4 (incorrect)

  1. And I get 6 results with scores in the 30s that match the title (unfortunately), track num and time (why time or title?). I cancel.

  2. I delete the title, and try again, and get no matches. I cancel.

  3. I change the title to “the”, try again, and get a 100 score on the correct track. I also get a 67 score on a track 1 from the same album, and it has MusicIP Id checked, which seems wrong to this noob. I select the correct match.

  4. I change the title back to Track 4, try again, and it matches 100 again (what changed from 1 that matters?) I cancel.

  5. I delete the MB Unique Id, try again, and get the same bad matches from 1. I cancel.

  6. I put the MB Unique Id back, try again, and still get the same bad matches from 1. Why didn’t I get the same thing as in #4?

(v. 2.5.2 on Kubuntu linux)

[quote=sideshow]OK, here’s some weirdness:

I changed my “Match Score” tab so that Artist, Release, and Track Num are all about 33, the rest 0.

I try to match manually:
Artist: Okkervil River (correct)
Album: Down the River of Golden Dreams (correct)
Track Num: 04 (correct)
Title: Track 4 (incorrect)

  1. And I get 6 results with scores in the 30s that match the title (unfortunately), track num and time (why time or title?). I cancel.
    Ok, when a metadata track query is sent to Musicbrainz it expects there to be a title in the track because if there is no track name the chances of getting a correct match is very low. It does not have to match on the title but if it can all well and good. Changing the scores does not change the query that is sent to Musicbrainz it just changes how jaikoz decides what score Jaikoz will give the matches returned from Musicbrainz.

So Jaikoz will send a query similar to this

Return best 10 matches when title= “Track 4” AND (Album=“Down the River of Golden Dreams” OR Artist=“Okkervil River” OR trackNUm=04) AND Track Duration is within 5 seconds of Track Duration.

So it probably returns some tracks caled Track 4 which are completely the wrong track, that when Jaikoz scores these matches it getting very low score because only getting a score for the TrackNum match.

Yes if there is no title at all no match is performed because the chnaces of getting a good match are very poor. In these I would hope that you have an acoustic id for the track and thena good match can be got this way instead.

Once you put a title in then Jaikoz does perform a query but because the value you have entered of “the” is ignored on Musicbrainz (there is a bug on musicbrainz that it ignores certain common words) the matches it returns arent matching on the track title but on the album/artist/trackno which is why the correct track is getting returned and hence receives a good score when calculated on Jaikoz.

Is it actually matching or just not overwriting the successful match you got in Step 3. If it is matching it may be because the successful match in Step 3 would cause the details of the release to be downloaded into the local database and allow a local match.

Im not entirely sure , and I’m not sure if you are always doing manual matches or Automatches but i hope you can understand that matching is complicated, and is not going to work for every corner case. I have to make Jaikoz work as well as it can for the majority of users which does mean that it loses a little bit of transparency in how it works.